Eye Pro

Eye Pro 3.0 Eye protection app for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

Eye Pro Abstract:

Eye Pro is a lightweight utility that can help you avoid eye fatigue when you need to work long hours in front of a computer screen. It is a freeware eye protection application that's well-designed, user friendly, modern and customizable.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Helps to maintain the health of eyes by forcing you to take breaks at predefined time intervals - Screenshot of Eye Pro
Helps to maintain the health of eyes by forcing you to take breaks at predefined time intervals.
Screenshot of Eye Pro - 1663px · 1292px
Little utility which urges people to take a break from the PC - Screenshot of Eye Pro
Little utility which urges people to take a break from the PC.
Screenshot of Eye Pro - 1663px · 1292px
Eye Pro: User interface - Screenshot of Eye Pro
Eye Pro: User interface.
Screenshot of Eye Pro - 1663px · 1292px
Eye Pro screenshot
Screenshot of Eye Pro -
Size: 1663px · 1292px